Michael Fazio’s Blog

Welcome to my blog!


Here you’ll find posts about all sorts of software development-related topics.

This most likely includes Kotlin, Android, voice assistants, and probably some ramblings about baseball (within the context of dev, I think).

Calculating Batting Stats - Filter, FlatMap, and GroupBy

Today’s a discussion of baseball, stats, box scores, and three handy Kotlin functions. tl;dr We cover three built-in Kotlin functions today: filter { ... }: Return a new Collection with all the items that cause the attached predicate block to return true. flatMap { ... }: Take a List of List objects and turn it into a single List with all the items together. groupBy { ... }: Turn a List into a Map with the value from the key selector block....

2021-10-23 · 5 min · Michael Fazio

ABL Push Notifications

I’d guess most people have a love/hate relationship with notifications. Often an app will display too many notifications, either annoying users or causing them to miss important notifications (ALERT OVERLOAD). Sometimes apps will instead be cautious with their notifications and users will miss out on important events. Either way, notifications are an essential part of a solid app experience. In particular, push notifications (ones initiated from a server) can be a perfect way to interact with your users....

2021-04-16 · 11 min · Michael Fazio

Building a Custom Android ListAdapter

This is a snippet from the book “Kotlin and Android Development featuring Jetpack” by Michael Fazio, covering how to build a ListAdapter class for a native (Kotlin-based) Android app. A ListAdapter class is used along with a RecyclerView to display a list of items. The ListAdapter handles connecting the proper row data to a layout and sending all that information into the RecyclerView. Create a Custom List Adapter The PlayerSummaryAdapter class is responsible for managing all the PlayerSummary items in our list and handling how they’re displayed....

2021-03-28 · 5 min · Michael Fazio

Building an Android Repository

This is a snippet from my book “Kotlin and Android Development featuring Jetpack” from the Pragmatic Bookshelf, covering how to build a Repository class for a native (Kotlin-based) Android app. Here, we’re building an Android app based on a game called “Penny Drop”, which has each player rolling a single six-sided die and placing pennies in slots based on what they rolled. We’ve already created a Room-backed database, so now we need a way to access that database from various locations in the app....

2021-03-28 · 8 min · Michael Fazio